Sunday, February 10, 2008


2day was fun,borin and tiring
1)woke up at 7.15am then went to .....(cnt tell)
2)went bac from ....... and stayed at home and online
3)was about to bath my cat until he ran out
4)washed my shoes
5)played soccer

let's start off
i woke up today at 7.15am and reach my religious school at 7.55am was supposed to assemble at 8am.then in the class study and be quiet until the last period where i became horny.then i went home and chat online with bryan and hariz.So after 1 hr infront of the comp,took my cat's towel and was about to grab him until he ran out of the house. wat a bad cat

So,although bathin my cat attempt wasnt successful,i instead washed my shoes :) and put mothballs inside cuz i nvr washed it(except for the outer part)since i bought it(Oct _ _ 07).then my mother suprised me n my bro tat 2day got tuition at 4pm n she told us at a bout 3.30pm.Haiz mother nowsadays lyk to suprise their children.Tsk tsk tsk :)

so got tution until 4.55pm but usually its 1hr 30min n i dono, after that gone to the lam soon cc soccer court to play soccer but when we reached there,many ppl were playin so me n my bro gone to the public hall nearby to play until 2 small boys asked if they could play with us so we let them lah give them chance.

then play play play but in the lose to them in a match.give them chance lah later they played until 6.45pm n was about to go home until i spotted the court was empty so went there to play for 10 mins. tat's all for 2day :)



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