Thursday, February 14, 2008


2day wasnt much.

1)go school
4)got merit points :)
5) ............................

woke up 2day at 5.33pm and went to assembled as usual and studied.Where's the Birdcatcher??? :) :)
so recess ate with friends and asked mr goh if i can go drama instead of sjab . so,he said cnt but 2moro gonna ask him wat bout entrepeneur 43% yes 6% maybe ...................... so went back to class n studied 2 merit points from mrs yoga.then maths lesson go to IT lab 1 . so blah blah blah n let's skip to the TPI part.

mrs tan called me and to seperate the ACE camps form by the categories she gave mrs tan,2moro expecting 4 merit points from u. got more than 15 merit points alr n onli 4 demerit points. so good. so after school , not much and went home then played soccer at the soccer court n went home at 6.45pm. so tat's bout 2day


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