Saturday, March 8, 2008

ACE CAMP 3D 2N at bottle tree park(yishun)

long time nvr i m gonna talk bout ace camp.I woke up at 6.00am and noticed that i m gonna be late so packed my stuff into my bag in a hurry then rushed to school.So reached school,take attendance and went to canteen for a quick bonding with our instructors.
MY INSTRUCTORS WERE YUE XING AND AHMAD.they were both fun.after that,boarded the bus to bottle tree was very nice went to the park basketball court n listened to the chief.then got amusing race.Went to city hall to play the game.its like amazing race but diff.

it was very tiring but as the class was walking.i spotted a sex shop.WHOOAA!!!!!saw vibrators(for girls) and ...... inside it. so went to old chang kee to buy a crry puff while instructor ahmad was buying 3 1.5L drinks.went back to school and gathered at the basketball court.Pitch our tents and put our bags inside it.My tent was filled with ali,kumar and eat lunch and played kidnapped! Kwan hua was the casualty. WTF . so complete many stations until we get the 2 keys and found kwan hua(pointed).Need to carry the pointed guy.He is only 149cm and 48kg.damn f**king heavy sia.even 5 boys couldnt carry him.

So we were the first group to complete the done reflection and practiced the warcry.damn fun and ate supper and gather again at bb court.and went to sleep.Cnt rmb well wat had happened.

wake up and done 100 Buddha claps.after eating,done water activity at the looks deep but actually its muddy.socks and shoes gt wet after goin into the was fun. then went to prayers.met a chio bu at the bus,wanted to ask for her number but she was way taller than me.alighted the bus and watched the chio bu looking at me while walking.then accidentally my knee hiot the sit and it pain.then bus went off.hope the chio bu rmb me :)

Prayers was as usual.While praying,a red ant was at my neck.managed to swipe it off and was walking back to the bus station until mr rosaini asked 18(total of muslims students)if we were thirsty.then we said yes and he is the best teacher ever,he bought each and every1 of us a bottle drink. wat a nice teacher. :) then went bac to the campsite and done obstacles.did the warcry and class cheer for how long and ate dinner.and went for campfire.the fire is lyk so small but it is hot if u near it.its lyk 1/2 of my done class performance.Until the last part,it was quiet sad when we had to see our instructors saying farewell to us.jacelyn was the only(she is from 2G)running down to her instructor and hugging her saying we(her class)love you.

so went to sleep.was thinking bout wat will happen the next day and went to sleep.had to wake up 2 times to take my sleeping bag from ali.woke up and ate breakfast.unpitched tents and gathered for the last time at the bb court. Said goodbye and farewell to the instructors.Was quiet sad when we had to say goodbye since that will be the last time we will be seeing them unless the visit my school. tat will be board the bus and sat there wondering if i will see the instructors again until mrs tan took a photo of me lookin out the window and posing lyk a gothic person.Then You ren go disturb me and pulled my arm down.We were playing ok not fightin.We r good friends.then my knuckles got pressed to the handle and was like goin to cry,it was damn reached school and went to tiong with esmond to eat mcdonald.So met nadia,hariz,ali,shalihin and eat but i was not sitting with you ren asked me wat bus i take when going home from cck mrt station.N i said found tat shi jian oso take the same bus and live nearby went home and used the computer
